
Showing posts from October, 2018

7 Myths About Creating A Better Relationship

Myth 1 I have to love everything about my partner. Reality Check 1 You were born pure and pristine. You then learnt behaviors from your parents, teacher, coaches, church etc. (who did their best to teach you about a better relationship). These behaviors have become the backbone for your way of living and having a better relationship. Perhaps a common behavior that irritates having a better relationship would be leaving the toilet seat up after use. This is merely a behavior and not the essence of the person. However, when you may consider this behavior to be the person, this destroys the concept of a better relationship, creating all kinds of conflict in your need for a better relationship. Myth 2 Love means that I can fix your partner. Reality Check 2 You met your partner because of some special quality or charteristic that you admired. You need to accept and allow that quality to flourish in order to allow you and your partner to grow into a better relationship. You m

17 Seduction Tips

Seduction is the most exciting thing in a relationship. It isn't bad or wrong, it's absolutely necessarily. The power of seduction is a gift. But not all of us have it, so we have to learn how to seduce the woman we want. Seduction can mean a couple of different things: it is a method that lets men have more success with women on a regular, repeatable basis and also it is a process   by which one person leads another to the beginning of a sexual relationship. Choose very well your target. Maybe it is there a beautiful sexy lady after you look anytime you see her on the street, but you never think that you will have a chance with her. Why don't you try to seduce her, maybe you'll win. But before you start, you must know that there are a few steps in seducing a woman: - you have to be ready so get over your past rejection, overcome your shyness and clear your mind and think about what about you are going to talk with her - interrupt her and get her attention next

10 Tips To Get Over Your Ex As Quickly As Possible

Getting over your ex is something that most of us have to do at some point in our life. Some people more than others. When the ex means a divorce in involved then the break up is all the more harder. It is said that time is a great healer and that is true, but also taking action is vital. Just what action should you take? Here is some practical advice to deal with life after a break up, relationship break down or divorce. 1. Make a clean break. As tempting as it can be, if you are still in love with your EX, and they don't reciprocate the feelings and intensity, then you're better off making a clean break. This is true every time. Ex lover rarely make good friends after a break up. 2. Delete all telephone numbers, email address and the like that contain your ex’s details. Keeping temptation at bay is vital. 3. Clear out as many personal items as you can. Obviously keeping practical stuff is important, but, if you’re using your ex’s left behind items to reme

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Signs of Infidelity

Certain things about signs of infidelity come as a surprise to most people. Even people who consider themselves knowledgeable about extramarital affairs may be unfamiliar with some of the little-known facts below. 1. Telltale signs first begin to appear while the infidelity is still in the planning stage. 2. Most cheaters display signs of infidelity they aren’t even aware of, and wouldn’t even think to cover up. 3. Most people either miss or misinterpret the many subtle signs of infidelity staring them in the face. 4. If you know what to look for, you can find countless signs of infidelity using just your eyes, your ears and your personal knowledge of your mate. 5. It’s not the obvious signs of infidelity – it’s the subtle signs (the ones most people overlook) that will give the cheater away every time. 6. Certain signs of infidelity can help you determine the identity of the Other Woman or Other Man. 7. There are 21 major categories of infidelity signs, each comprised

10 Fatal Traps You Must Avoid to Maintain a Harmonious and Healthy Relationship

(Because violence or infidelity are not the only ones…) 1. « Making a mountain out of a molehill » Do you want to live in peace with your beloved? Then, first, control yourself. Loosing your temper, showing constant anger, or shouting for pointless reasons is obviously very harmful. Try to throw back quarrelsome, authoritarian attitudes: you can contain your reactions: stop being so sensible (or hypersensitive, if you prefer) at the slightest contrariety. In particular, distrust your interpretations : immediately assigning a negative meaning to a sentence, a gesture which you didn’t understand well, leads to misunderstandings - which kills off your agreement. Means # 1 to break your love relationship: aggressiveness and verbal violence. 2. « Unjustified attacks of jealousy » Is your wife always attracting men’s attention? Faint flattering whisperings? Admiring, if not always discreet, comments? Feel flattered ! Keep smiling ! It is a tribute to you, one more proof of your good